LCPS 2025, Coming soon...

“This is the only exhibition we will do, the visitors are very well vetted.”

Cirque le Soir 

Enquire for a stand

SMALL BOUTIQUE SHOWS making it easy for visitors to find you 

EVERY VISITOR PRE-QUALIFIED limiting time-wasters & increasing ROI 


GREAT VALUE FOR MONEY compared to other events in the industry

A SPLIT EVENT FORMAT allowing for targeted marketing

A RELAXED EXHIBITION ATMOSPHERE making it easy to network


Visitor Stats London Christmas Party Show


Top Visitors London Christmas Party Show



testimonials London Christmas Party Show


“The show has been fantastic, it’s been the first time we’ve exhibited, and there’s been some really high quality visitors.”
ArcelorMittal Orbit

“This is the only exhibition we will do, the people who come here are well vetted. I don’t want to go to other shows where 7,000 people walk past my stand. I would rather have 10 of the right people.”
Cirque le Soir

“Visitors are well qualified, it’s a great quality show.”
Merlin Events

 “We’ve had lots of good leads and after the agents evening I came home and did a quote!”
Boo Productions

“I like that this is targeted towards a certain part of the year, we can make sure we have our Christmas packages, and our Christmas team here rather than just the overall venue.”
Tobacco Dock

“We’ve seen a good return on investment from this event which is why we continue to exhibit.”
The Hari